The Super Coo Club – Episode 5: Team Pigeons!

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Episode 5: Team pigeons!

With your hosts Andrew McDonald, Ben Wood and…a bunch of pigeons.

Don’t miss the drawing and activity sheets for episode 5

In episode 5

  • Andrew and Ben talk about TEAMWORK
  • They play Real Pigeons QUIZ
  • Ben shows us how to draw Grandpouter Pigeon
  • Some Real Pigeons fans ask Andrew and Ben questions
  • Ben challenges everyone to draw their own SQUAD

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Real Pigeons in their Nest Plane


Draw your own squad

Real Pigeons Challenge hashtag

Come up with your own squad. They could be heroes, villains – or just friends! Make sure you give them a

  • squad name
  • type of squad (are they animals, vegetables – or something else)
  • headquarters


More Activities

Draw Grandpouter Pigeon

Grandpouter Pigeon is the old pigeon who first got the Real Pigeons gang together. Have fun drawing him as he flies through the air!

Grandpouter Pigeon

Download the ‘How to draw Grandpouter Pigeon’ activity sheet (PDF, 1.5MB)

Play the Real Pigeons quiz

  1. Frillback and Rock chase Megabat and Jungle Crow at the Food Truck Fair during Real Pigeons Fight Crime. What delicious food does Jungle Crow hide in?
  2. Why are bins get places for pigeons to hold pigeons?
  3. Where does Straw Neck live?
  4. What animal would Rock be turning himself into if he gathered a scrunched up piece of paper, an old shoelace and long pink sock?
  5. What does Beardy Vulture like to eat?
  6. What is Homey’s full name?
  7. What pigeon power does Barb Pigeon teach Rock in Real Pigeons Splash Back?
  8. What invention does Straw Neck come up with to stop trees being stolen in Real Pigeons Peck Punches?
  9. What is the name of Bertie Bird- Byrd’s cat in Real Pigeon Peck Punches?
  10. There is a town called CHIPOPOLIS where everyone is obsessed with chips. What is the population of CHIPOPOLIS? And a bonus point if you can remember exactly what the population sign says.

Answers are at the bottom of this page. 


A burger


Thanks everyone!

This was the last episode of The Super Coo Club…for now.

Thank you for watching us mess around, draw lots of pigeons and tell silly stories. We are so honoured that you spent time with us in The Super Coo Club!

We’ll be back with more videos and updates about new Real Pigeons books soon – so make sure you’re subscribed to The Super Coo Club mailing list.

We’ll be seeing you soon. High feather five!

– Andrew and Ben


PS. Answers to the quiz are

  1. A burger
  2. Because no one else ever goes into bins
  3. A dumpster in an alley
  4. An ostrich
  5. Bones
  6. Homestead Butterworth
  7. The power of pooping
  8. Tree anchors
  9. Shampoo
  10. Population: 2984 people who really like chips.

Ben Wood and Andrew McDonald with the Real Pigeons

Books in the Real Pigeons series

Real Pigeons Fight Crime book cover
Book cover of Real Pigeons Eat Danger by Andrew McDonald and Ben Wood
Real Pigeons Nest Hard book cover
Cover of the book Real Pigeons Peck Punches
Cover of book Real Pigeons Get Bready
Cover of book Real Pigeons Flex Feathers
Real Pigeons Spy High
Cover of the book Real Pigeons Duck Trouble
Cover of the book Real Pigeons Stay Coo
The cover of Real Pigeons Flap Out by Andrew McDonald and Ben Wood
The cover of Real Pigeons Power Up by Andrew McDonald and Ben Wood. It features the book's title, the creators' names and an illustration of the five pigeons bursting through blue and yellow rock.

Books in the Real Pigeons series

Real Pigeons Fight Crime book cover
Real Pigeons Nest Hard book cover
Cover of the book Real Pigeons Peck Punches
Cover of book Real Pigeons Flex Feathers
Cover of the book Real Pigeons Duck Trouble
The cover of Real Pigeons Flap Out by Andrew McDonald and Ben Wood
Book cover of Real Pigeons Eat Danger by Andrew McDonald and Ben Wood
Cover of book Real Pigeons Get Bready
Real Pigeons Spy High
Cover of the book Real Pigeons Stay Coo
The cover of Real Pigeons Power Up by Andrew McDonald and Ben Wood. It features the book's title, the creators' names and an illustration of the five pigeons bursting through blue and yellow rock.
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