Make a Rock Pigeon costume

Rock Pigeon makes his own costumes – now you can too!

Here are some easy instructions to help you dress-up like Rock from the Real Pigeons squad.

And don’t miss our gallery of Real Pigeons costumes for ideas and inspiration.

What you’ll need

  • A cardboard box
  • Scissors that can cut through cardboard (work with an adult for this, kids!)
  • Paint (blue, white, grey)
  • Paintbrushes
  • A cap
  • A marker
  • Tape or string


1. Find an old cardboard box to trace and cut out a wing shape

2. Add some feathers to your wings by drawing them on with a marker

3. Time to paint. Mix up your colours with blue and grey to get the perfect colour.

4. Draw Rock Pigeon’s face – or print this Rock’s face PDF (0.1 MB)

5. Cut out Rock’s face and tape it to a hat

6. Secure your wings. You can use string, elastic bands or tape.

7. Put your amazing Rock COO-stume together.

8. Fly around, fight crime and nibble some breadcrumbs!

Photo credits: Lucy White @lovefourreading

Books in the Real Pigeons series

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